Tagesmietpreis (10 Std.) / day rate (10 hours)
monday – friday 8 – 18 h | 750 – up to 1.000,00 EUR
saturday/sunday/holidays 8 – 18 h | 850 – up to 1.200,00 EUR
Halbtagesmietpreis (5 Std.) / half day rate (5 hours)
monday – friday in between 8 – 18 h | 600,00 EUR
saturday/sunday/holidays 8 – 18 h | 700,00 EUR
monday – friday (before 8 and from 18 h) per hour | 100,00 EUR
saturday/sunday/holidays (before 8 and from 18 h) per hour | 125,00 EUR
Nebenkosten (pro Miettag) / additional charges (per rentday)
Strompauschale / electricity flat rate | 100,00 EUR
Kunstlicht nach Verbrauch / HMI-light extra charge 0,50 € Kw/h
Heizungspauschale / heating von / from september – april | 25,00 EUR
Endreinigung / cleaning | 60,00 EUR
monday – sunday 8 – 18 h | 150,00 EUR
overtime pro Std. / per hour | 15,00 EUR
monday – sunday 8 – 18 h | 250,00 EUR
overtime pro Std. / per hour | 20,00 EUR
Anstrich Hohlkehlenboden weiss / painting ground cove white | 100,00 EUR
farbig nach Absprache / colour according to agreement
drinks und catering nach Absprache / according to agreement
booking includes 2 free parkingspaces at the studio / each more plus 20 €/day
(alle Preise zuzügl. gesetzl. MwSt / all prices plus VAT)